【论文-2023】Comprehensive thermo-enviroeconomic performance analysis of a preheaing-assited trapezoidal solar still with various additives
发布人:袁占辉  发布时间:2023-05-15   浏览次数:

Comprehensive thermo-enviroeconomic performance analysis of a preheaing-assited trapezoidal solar still with various additives

Authors:Swellam W. Sharshir*, Mohamed A. Farahat, Abanob Joseph, A.W. Kandeal, M. A. Rozz, Fawzy Abou-Tale, A. E. Kabeel, Zhanhui Yuan*

Abstract:Five-slope trapezoidal solar still's thermal, cost, and environmental analyses are assessed and compared to those of a conventional single-slope solar still. Three promising modifications are successively applied over three intervals. Thin film evaporation is firstly obtained using hanged jute layer; then, cover cooling is applied to augment the condensation; and finally, reflectors are attached to concentrate solar radiation on the hanged jute layer. All these cases are experimented with in the presence of an evacuated-tube heater. Freshwater productivity is increased by 252.4 %, 270.78 %, and 368.5 % for the three cases, respectively. It is noticed that the third case (the best case) can result in a good nocturnal yield (~50 % of the diurnal production). Moreover, it comes out with increasing in thermal efficiency, and exergy efficiency of 86.78 %, and 213.8 % because the energy gain is much enhanced due to enhanced evaporation by localizing heat (via hanged jute layer) and radiation concentration (via mirrors). The average total heat transfer coefficient is augmented by 146.4 % due to obtaining high temperature difference between evaporation and condensation surfaces. From the environmental analysis, CO2 emission reduction of 18.408 ton-CO2 with 266.91$ carbon credit can be gained from the current system.

Keywords:Solar still Preheating Evacuated tubes Desalination Wick Environmental
